Chairman of Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Ph.D. (Medical Microbiology &Immunology), Faculty of pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt (2020).

M.Sc. (Microbiology &Immunology), Faculty of pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt (2009).

B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University, (Excellent with Honorary Degree)(2003).

Higher education teaching Quality in higher education Medical microbiology & Immunology Antibiotic resistance Microbial biofilms Drug research Molecular biology and Genetics Nanotechnology Antimicrobial polymers Infection control Radiation research Radiopharmaceuticals English-Arabic translation
1. Hocine Abbaci El-hafid Nabti Abdullah M. Al-Bekairi, Soheir A. A. Hagras, et al.,“Comparative Bioactivity Evaluation of Chemically Characterized Essential Oils Obtained from Different Aerial Parts of Eucalyptus gunnii Hook. f. (Myrtaceae). Molecules 2023, 28(6), 2638; 2. Fabrication and Evaluation of Voriconazole Loaded Transethosomal Gel for Enhanced Antifungal and Antileishmanial Activity. 3. Soheir A.A. Hagras, Alaa El-Dien M.S. Hosny, Omneya M. Helmy, Mounir M. Salem Bekhit, Faiyaz Shakeel4, and Hala A. Farrag. Effect of Sub-Inhibitory Concentrations of Cefepime on Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Canadian Journal of Microbiology; 2021. 4. Abolfotouh MA, Almutairi AF, Banimustafa A, Hagras SA, Al Jeraisy M. Behavior Responses and Attitude of the Public to COVID-19 Pandemic During Movement Restrictions in Saudi Arabia. Int J Gen Med. 2021;14:741-753 5. Fakhria A. Al-Joufi1, Khalid M. Aljarallah, Soheir A.A. Hagras, Ibrahim M. Al Hosiny, Mounir M. Salem‑Bekhit, Abdullah M.E. Youssof, Faiyaz Shakeel. Microbial spectrum, antibiotic susceptibility profile and biofilm formation of diabetic foot infections (2014–18): A retrospective multicenter analysis, 3 Biotech 10, 325 (2020). 6. AEDMS Hosny, HA Farrag, OM Helmy, SAA Hagras, A El-Hag Ali. In-vitro evaluation of antibacterial and antibiofilm efficiency of radiation-modified polyurethane-ZnO nanocomposite to be used as a self-disinfecting catheter, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, Tylor & Francis, 2020. 7. HA Farrag, AEDMS Hosny, AM Hawas, SAA Hagras, OM Helmy. Potential efficacy of garlic lock therapy in combating biofilm and catheter-associated infections; experimental studies on an animal model with focus on toxicological aspects, Saudi Pharmaceutical journal, Elsevier, 2019, 8. SAR Ahmad Hagras. Study on the Role of Lock Therapy in Emergence of Microbial Resistance and Its Improvement Using Radiation, Biological and Chemical Agents for Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Mediated Infections, PhD Thesis, 2019, at 9. HA Farrag, AEDMS Hosny, AEH Ali, SAA Hagras. Elimination and prevention of microbial colonization of central venous catheters using antibiotic lock technique and non-leachable form of catheter surface incorporated, IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS), 2014. DOI: 10.9790/3008-09152833 10. AEDMS Hosny, HA Farrag, SA Issa, SAA Hagras. Prevalence of central venous catheter-related infections in catheterized ICUS’ patients, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care (IJPHC), 2014. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.18720.07687 11. SAA Hagras. A study on the role of antimicrobial lock solution and radiation in preventing catheter associated infections, MSc thesis, International Atomic Energy Authority, 2009 at: U.S. Department of Energy at
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