Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)​

The emergency medical services (EMS) program at Inaya medical colleges was founded in 2011 with the vision of advancement the healthcare services in the KSA by providing quality EMS program and graduating highly competent, skilled and qualified paramedics to meet the need of rapidly growing and highly developed health care system in KSA , EMS program at IMC is one of the oldest emergency medical Baccalaureate programs in the Kingdom, since its establishment EMS program has been playing a significant role in providing both the private and the public health sectors with highly competent professional graduates who are equipped with the most recent knowledge, skills and values in their specialty role.

The EMS program at IMC prepares the students to provide advanced emergency medical care for critically ill and injured patients who access the emergency medical system and for future employments as emergency medical services specialists (paramedics) in various sectors of today’s health care system.

Emergency Medical services specialist (Paramedic) function as an essential part of the comprehensive EMS response system and is considered as the initial contact point for individuals experiencing sudden illness or injury and a link from the scene into the definitive health care system.

Paramedics are field practitioners who are responsible, under medical oversight, for assessing, stabilizing and managing critically ill or injured patients and performing a wide range of interventions with the basic and advanced equipment.


Welcome to the emergency medical services and Critical care program in Inaya Medical Colleges and thank You for your interest in our program.

Founded in 2011, We are one of the oldest emergency medical Baccalaureate programs in the Kingdom and the first ever who allowed female students to be enrolled in the program and we are honored that the first ever two female paramedics licensed by SCHS in the whole kingdom are our graduates.

We are proud of our reputation among the campus as student – oriented program, our faculty members have expertise in both the clinical and operational aspects of EMS, and many of them continue to hold valid certifications from BLS, ACLS, PALS, and PHTLS instructors.

The EMS skills labs are state of the art with one of a kind simulation center that mimics real working conditions in prehospital field, the center is equipped with high fidelity manikins, in door ambulance simulator and SWEET extrication kit, we are honored by our partnership with the leading medical cities, hospitals and EMS organization within the kingdom for clinical and internship training.

Several classes have been graduated already and many of them were employed in different health care facilities both government and private sector.

By choosing to join our program you have taken the very first important decision about your career and your future path, we take a great pride in providing you with a world class education and the best learning experience both inside and outside the classrooms, which will prepare you not just for a successful and promising EMS profession, but for life itself and empower you to become an active and valued member of your community and prepare you to be a visionary and creative leader in the EMS field.

I hope you find the information contained in our website useful, if you need any additional information do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Miada Mahmoud Rady

e-mail: mmahmoud@inaya.edu.sa

Ext.: 147



The EMS program at Inaya medical college is committed to provide high quality educational program with good supporting infrastructure, competent faculty, research and community service to graduate clinically competent Emergency Medical Service specialists devoted to lifelong learning.


The Emergency Medical Services & Critical Care Program aspires to be recognized as a premier EMS program both at The National and Regional Level.


Graduate competent and highly skilled emergency medical specialists able to function and excel in any EMS system or other inter-professional settings.

Provide an academic program that focuses on current trends in emergency medical services and critical care and evidence based practice.

Recruit and retain highly qualified and competent faculty.

Promote the health and wellbeing of the Saudi population by being actively involved in community services.

Promote research culture and increase the research input of the program.

Building effective strategic partnerships through communication and cooperation with various health institutions in the KSA.

Study Plan - Credit Hours

Level - 1

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
BIOS 101Biostatistics200--
COMM 101Communication Skills100--
ORI 000Orientation000--
ISLM 105Medical Jurisprudence200--
COMP 101Computer for Health Sciences110--
ARAB 101Arabic Language200--
ENGL 101English Language (1)440--

Level - 2

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
BIOL 101Biology210--
ETH 101Ethics in Health Care100--
PHYS 101General Physics210--
CHEM 101Introduction to Chemistry210--
ENGL 102English Language (2)220--
ENGL 105Medical Terminology300--

Level - 3

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
ISLM 106Family in Islam200--
BMS 231Anatomy, Embryology & Histology220BIOL 101 ENGL 105-
BMS 232Physiology210BIOL 101 ENGL 105 PHYS 101-
BMS 233Biochemistry210--
EMS 000Basic Life Support000-EMS 231
EMS 231Foundation of Emergency Medical Care210ENGL 102 COMP 101EMS 232 EMS 000
EMS 232Patient Assessment and Care I210ENGL 102 COMM 101 ETH 101EMS 231 EMS 000

Level - 4

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
BMS 241Microbiology200--
BMS 242Pharmacology200--
BMS 243Pathophysiology300--
BMS 244Epidemiology300BMS 232 BIOS 101-
EMS 245Introduction to Paramedic Practice300BMS 232 BMS 231 EMS 231-
EMS 246Patient Assessment and Care II (Theory)300EMS 232 BMS 231 BMS 232EMS 247
EMS 247Patient Assessment and CareII ( Practice)030EMS 232EMS 246

Level - 5

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
ISLM 107Economic System in Islam200--
EMS 351Patient Assessment III210--
EMS 352Advanced Airway Management310EMS 246 BMS 242 BMS 243-
EMS 353Pharmacology II210--
EMS 354Emergency Clinical Practice003EMS 247 EMS 000-
EMS 355Contemporary Approaches to Lifestyle Management300EMS 245-

Level - 6

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
ISLM 108Human Rights200--
EMS 361Medical Emergency And Intensive Care Informatics200EMS 355-
EMS 362Medical Emergencies I310--
EMS 363Trauma Emergencies I310--
EMS 364Emergency Cardiology210--
ARAB 103Writing In Arabic Language200ARAB 101-

Level - 7

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
EMS 471Emergency Medical Operations200EMS 363-
EMS 472Current Issues in Medical Emergency and Intensive Care200EMS 362-
EMS 473Special Considerations in Emergency Care I210--
EMS 474Medical Emergencies II210--
EMS 475Trauma Emergencies II210--
EMS 476Emergency Clinical Practice II003--

Level - 8

Course CodeCourse NameTheoryPracticalClinicalPre-requisitesCo-requisites
EMS 481Special Considerations in Emergency Care II210--
EMS 482Concepts of Critical Care300EMS 364 EMS 474 EMS 475-
EMS 483Advanced Concepts in Emergency Care210EMS 364 EMS 474 EMS 475-
EMS 484Management of Emergency Medical Services300MS 361 BMS 244 EMS 471-
EMS 485Emergency Medical Care Practice030EMS 476-

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO's)


Knowledge and Understanding:


Relate the knowledge of applied basic medical sciences to the practice of prehospital care.


Describe the principles, rules and management of EMS system.


Discuss diagnosis, management and transportation of patient with various medical and trauma emergencies in different patient populations at the level of paramedic. 


Explain the principles and the importance of safety, wellbeing, leadership, research and education in the EMS field.





Demonstrate technical proficiency in skills necessary to fulfill the role of paramedic


Demonstrate technical proficiency in skills necessary to fulfill the role of paramedic.


Demonstrate effective use of technology and information systems to optimize the delivered care and improve patient outcome.


Display professional documentation and reporting skills


Communicate professionally using different communication techniques with the patient, caregivers and other health care professionals.


Apply critical thinking and clinical judgment supported by evidence based practices to ensure high quality patient centered care.



Values, Autonomy, and Responsibility


Demonstrate competent professional behaviors including integrity, empathy, self-confidence, leadership, team dynamics, personal accountability, cultural competency and patient advocacy


Adhere to ethical rules and regulations governing the paramedic profession and setting the quality of patient care at various healthcare settings.

Graduate Attributes




Clinically competent, technically skilled emergency medical specialist capable of adapting changes related to clinical practice and following evidence based practice.


Professional and Resilient: Well-disciplined, hardworking and displays an understanding and commitment to the responsibilities and roles of the paramedic.


Critical and Analytical Problem Solvers: Able to think critically, analyze and solve problems.


Articulate & effective communicator: displays leadership, proper team dynamics and professional collaborations.


Independent and lifelong learners: take responsibility of own professional development and the professional development of colleagues and devoted to lifelong learning.


Innovative and Creative: recognize the role as health care practitioner and act to promote and enhance the quality of the health care delivery system both in KSA and worldwide.


Culturally competent and able to provide a safe and quality patient cantered care while marinating appropriate ethical and legal boundaries.



The Emergency Medical Services Department and Critical Care of Inaya Medical College is dedicated in providing its students with the knowledge, skills, and training necessary for becoming proficient emergency medical services personnel ready to serve their community and their country.

Emergency medical services department laboratories arose out of a desire and firm conviction that our students should receive the most advanced tools to complement their training, the laboratories have been the product of a great deal of hard work and dedication, as such, we consider these laboratories a well-placed investment into our student’s future.

It has been developed and designed to recreate a virtual environment complete with high fidelity simulators and state of the art equipment intended to provide a safe, risk free environment where students can practice paramedics skills and patient care under full supervision of highly qualified faculty members without the risk of harming an actual patient.


The Emergency Medical Services and Critical Care Department aims to provide that EMS students with the latest technology in laboratory and simulation training to create an artificial replication of the real-world situation in which students can gain knowledge and psychomotor skills and be able to critically think through complex scenarios in a safe and non-threatening environment.

This approach to practical learning is a ‘learner centric’ educational method which integrates the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains in a non-threatening and safe environment thus ensuring accuracy and competency of skills before the student enters or is admitted to the clinical environment

EMS program Laboratory Overview

The Emergency Medical Services and Critical Care Department laboratory area consist of four large laboratories.

Patient assessment and basic skill lab.

Advanced airway and medication administration lab.

Trauma and extrication lab.

Advanced cardiac support lab.

The laboratories are equipped with a high-fidelity human patient simulator, these simulators reproduce body physiological models and are programmed with a wide array of clinical scenarios allowing the application of simulated clinical experiences. Scenarios can range anywhere from common medical conditions to more critical conditions like cardiac arrest, these simulated scenarios give paramedic students the opportunity to learn correct interventions in a risk-free environment where errors can be allowed to occur and played out, providing students with information and feedback about their individual performance and work as a team.

In addition to high-fidelity human patient simulator, EMS Laboratories are equipped with full spectrum of static mannequins and task trainers, and virtual skill simulators where students can practice various paramedic skills and procedures.

Faculty and instructors plan set up and teach the laboratories to mirror real-life prehospital and hospital care situations, they thoroughly utilize equipment so that students can practice important procedures on lifelike body parts and life-sized mannequins.

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